Sunday, September 10, 2006

Interfaith Gathering and Survivor Tree Planting

The World Trade Center Survivors' Network planted a tree in the Living Memorial Grove across from City Hall in Manhattan.

The Grove contains five trees that used to be planted around the World Trade Center and have been relocated here.

Five Living Memorial Groves have been established in each of the five boroughs of New York City, all with a clear view to lower Manhattan where the World Trade Center used to stand.

The tree is a seedling from the Survivors' Tree which lived through the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. It is an American Elm and has been nutured for the past two years by the New York City Parks Department until it was big enough to be planted in the Grove.

The Grove is located at the entrance to the Brooklyn Bridge.

Charlie holds the ceremonial silver shovel.

Richard Williams, a survivor of the Oklahoma City bombing is interviewed.

The leaves of the tree reach into the hole in the sky where the Trade Center used to stand.

Honored guests for the interfaith gathering.

Joyce and Brendan: happy planters.

The Survivors' Tree against the blue September sky.


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